Little Cinema Galway was set up as a monthly short film showcase in 2010! It was set up by three film-maker friends who sought a platform to show the films and sketches they were making and wanted to create a space to other for film-makers of all levels to network and to grow and see their films on the big screen.
It gives all film-makers from the West of Ireland and beyond the opportunity to showcase their films to a warm encouraging audience in a relaxed setting. The only two rules are that the film is under 10 minutes and the film-maker introduces their piece on the stage, or in times of Covid via Zoom with us on a Live Stream. Films, documentaries, music videos and comedy sketches are all welcome! We welcome submissions from all film-makers and actively encourage submissions from those under-represented in the screen sector.
Over the years, the Little Cinema has also special screenings for Halloween, Christmas, Seachtain na Gaeilge and have collaborated with the Galway Comedy Carnival, Galway Theatre Festival and Electric Picnic for screenings.