We had an amazing night at the Little Cinema Christmas Special in The Loft at Seven Bridge Street. The place was absolutely jammed and the films screened were fantastic! Thank you to all the filmmakers and audience members who came along and made it such a memorable night!
Kenny Gaughan – Pragmatic Scrooge

What if Scrooge was a really decisive person who made fast choices?
The Púcas – Christmas in Galway (Official Charity Christmas Music Video)

The official charity Christmas music video for the song “Christmas in Galway” by The Púcas captures the beauty and atmosphere of Galway at Christmas time and encourages us to reflect on the poignant lyrics of the song by thinking of those we’ve lost but who aren’t forgotten.
Oran Roper – The Recluse

Rory feels threatened when his friends invite their housemate to the Christmas Party. He scrambles to win them back.
Allan Cavanagh – Fleece

A sheep discovers the meaning of Christmas
Verena Barbosa, Paul D Eath, Harry Bo – Turn on The Lights

A wholesome film made with hard work and good taste.
Kim Acheson & Maeve Keane – Ode to Spiddal

An animated music video to an original song written and performed by Maeve Keane, Ode to Spiddal is a salute to the unique and wonderful town of Spiddal, Connemara
Sean Cahalan, Rory Donoghue, David Smyth – Under New Management

Lapland and its inhabitants have a heated debate just before Christmas.
Kevin O Brien – Living with a Scooge

A scrooge like housemate see’s the light… a little
Wing It Studios – 1800-Santa-Helpline

Three elves work in a Santa Helpline call centre and just suffer their over bearing boss
Ray Grady & Adrian Conway – The Christmas Advert

Inspired by classic Christmas adverts, two friends try to make a heartfelt, John Lewis style ad for their business.